royalty free soundscape music

welcome to digitalTRAFFIC soundscapes [ ] suite
digitalTRAFFIC regularly release royalty free soundscape music for creatives to use in content production, videos, monetised videos, podcasts and creative projects in exchange for credit. No copyright claims on digitalTRAFFIC safe royalty free soundscapes.

You may use digitalTRAFFIC soundscapes in your creative projects if you give credit (Music provided by digitalTRAFFIC: 'Track Name'). If you're a corporate entity looking to license digitalTRAFFIC soundscapes for TV/film/advertising, please email us (office at digitaltraffic dot band). If you're interested in using digitalTRAFFIC soundscapes in a video game you're developing or publishing, please email us (office at digitaltraffic dot band).

Ambient textures, abstract themes, futuristic atmospheric soundscapes.
Download on SoundCloud:
(no machines were harmed in the making of these albums)

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